In the list of applicants for the post of coach of the Italian national team there may be surprises

25 February 2018, 10:48 | Football
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The commissioner of the Football Federation of Italy Roberto Fabbricini hinted that the team may happen unexpected appointment.

Italy is now without a coach. After absenteeism at the World Cup 2018 Giampiero Ventura was fired, and a new coach has not yet been found.

On a temporary basis, these functions are carried out by the coach of the Italian national team U-21 Gigi Di Biagio. He will lead the Squadron Azzurro to friendly matches in March. It is expected that Di Biagio will stay at least until the summer.

"No one is on the pole position in this race.

In the list of contenders there may be surprises. We do not rule out anyone, "Fabbricini said..

"It would be wrong to call any names now, we have not conducted serious negotiations yet. Of course, many coaches are interested. But we will take seriously the appointment of a coach, we do not want to make hasty decisions. Everything must be done correctly ".

Previously, among the contenders for the post of coach of the Italians were mentioned Roberto Mancini (Zenit) and Claudio Ranieri (Nantes).

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