Nacho spent the 150th match for Real Madrid

25 February 2018, 10:09 | Football
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The fight of the 25th round of La Liga became a jubilee for the defender Real Nacho Fernandez.

On the eve of Real Madrid in his field calmly dealt with Alaves - 4: 0. The double was marked by Cristiano Ronaldo, and on a goal Gareth Bale and Karim Benzema.

In this match, all the 90 minutes on the field held a station wagon Nacho.

This fight was for him 150 in the T-shirt of Real in all tournaments.

Moreover, this match was for Nacho 100th in the Example. He spent 25 more in the Champions League, 22 - in the Cup of Spain and 3 - at the Club World Cup.

Of the 150 matches of the 28-year-old football player 114 ended in the victory of Real, and the defender during this time was able to excel nine goals.

Nacho debuted for Real Madrid in April 2011 in a match against Valencia (6: 3).

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