Mbokani could go to the Chinese club in the winter

25 February 2018, 09:16 | Football
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Dynamo Kiev striker Diemercy Mbokani could go to conquer the Middle Kingdom in the winter transfer window.

Dalian Yifan made a proposal for Mbokani two weeks ago, but the transfer did not take place because of the financial component, according to Voetbalkrant. Did not manage to agree with Dynamo or with the player himself - not specified.

Diemercy Mbokani played only nine minutes in official matches this year.

The striker came on as a substitute in the meeting with Donetsk Olympic.

Note that Dalian Ifan won the second most powerful division and starting in March in the Major League. Transfer window in China closes on February 28.

Earlier, Alexander Zinchenko commented on the transfer policy of Dynamo and Shakhtar regarding young Ukrainian performers.

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