Svirkov: One team played better, and the other team won

18 February 2018, 06:00 | Football
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Veres head coach Yuri Svirkov commented on the defeat of his team in the match against Vorskla (0: 1).

- Better today played a team, and won - another. Yes, today we had a strong opponent. They are not in vain are in the group of leaders. But we created enough scoring chances to win. Unfortunately, they missed the counterattack.

We were satisfied with any positive result. But the game, which we demonstrated in the first half, of course, I wanted to win.

The task is unchanged. The first six. The team is perfectly staffed. In the winter we really got stronger with class performers.

- What was not enough to achieve a positive result?.

- Completion.

- Why there was no Rostislav Voloshinovich in the application for the match?.

- Rostik received a very unpleasant injury in Turkey. Local doctors could not identify the cause of pain in the ankle. And only in Ukraine we found out that he has a crack in his phalanx. Therefore, while he is not with the team. Today we really missed it.

On Football. ua available video of the goal and a review of the match Vorskla - Veres (1: 0).

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