Strootman extended the contract with Roma from gratitude to the club

15 February 2018, 18:32 | Football
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Midfielder Kevin Strootman intends to continue performances as part of the Romans, as he feels indebted to the club.

In May last year, the Dutch midfielder extended the contract with Roma, despite the fact that a number of European top clubs were interested in his transfer.

According to Strootman himself, he plans to stay in Rome, as he is very grateful to the club.

"I extended the contract with Roma in order to stay here for a long time," Strootman said in an interview with Sky Italia.

"I feel deep gratitude to the club, which was waiting for my return after three difficult operations. I'll never forget this ".

"This season we want to secure a place in the Champions League. True, it's a pity that we can not compete with Napoli and Juventus for Scudetto, "- summed up Kevin.

Previously reported that Juventus will be willing to pay for Strootman 45 million euros in the summer.

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