The former owner of Portsmouth stole ? 5m from his wife to buy a club

15 February 2018, 17:43 | Football
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The former owner of Portsmouth Suleiman Al Fahim received five years in prison for stealing money from his wife.

A 42-year-old businessman from the UAE was sentenced to 5 years in prison for embezzling money in especially large amounts. Al Fahim, through falsification of documents, managed to steal his wife for 5 million pounds.

The woman discovered the loss of money when she did not receive interest from her high-interest bank deposit made back in 2009.

As it turned out, her husband, having betrayed the bank, withdrew all the funds in his account.

According to the BBC, Suleiman invested money in the purchase of Portsmouth, which he later sold to another Arab businessman Ali Al Farah.

Al Fahim did not appear at the trial in Dubai, so the verdict was passed without his presence.

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