Best player of the week in the Champions League: without Ronaldo

15 February 2018, 16:30 | Football
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Four applicants for the title of the best player of the week in the Champions League became known.

In this mid-weekend in the Champions League, four fights took place. Juventus and Tottenham split in the world (2-2), Man City beat Basel (4-0), Real Madrid coped with PSG (3-1), and Liverpool declined to Porto (5-0).

The official website of UEFA has allocated four contenders for the title of the best player of the week in the tournament: Marcelo (Real), Sadio Mane (Liverpool), Elkay Gundogan (Man City) and Christian Eriksen (Tottenham).

The author of the double to the PSG goal Cristiano Ronaldo is not included in the voting.

Also you can vote on the official website of UEFA.

Next week we are expected to play Bayern - Besiktas, Chelsea - Barcelona, ??Sevilla - MJ and Shakhtar - Roma.

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