Monchy: We were forced to sell Salah

15 February 2018, 15:10 | Football
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Roma sports director Ramon Monchi told about the sale of Mohamed Salah to Liverpool.

Transition winger team of Egypt was for Liverpool incredibly successful transfer. Mohamed is one of the best scorers of the Premier League and even set a Liverpool record.

"I agree that we could get 50 million euros for it, but at that time we just needed to sell Salah. The option with Liverpool was the most acceptable, "- said Monchi.

"Already later, the transfers of Neimar and Mbappa blew up and changed the market, but still we had to sell Mohamed. Its sale allowed us to make our own purchases, "added Monchi.

Recall that for Salah Liverpool paid 42 million euros, which at that time became a record club (later interrupted by van Dijk).

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