FFU: "Mariupol case" will be considered on February 12, this Dynamo tightens the process

29 January 2018, 13:10 | Football
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The official date of consideration of the Kyiv Dynamo appeal in the Sports Arbitration Court has become known.

The official website of the FFU issued a statement explaining the situation regarding the scandalous case about the technical defeat of Dynamo in the match with Mariupol.

"In recent days, certain information about the timing of the" Mariupol case "is circulating in certain media (recall that FC Dynamo (Kyiv) appealed to the Sports Arbitration Court (CAS) in Lausanne for the decision of the Control and Disciplinary Committee and the FFU Appeal Committee on the admission of technical defeat for non-appearance in Mariupol for the match of the 7th round of the ULP, as well as the matches of the teams U-21 and U-19) ".

"The suit of Dynamo Kiev in the court in Lausanne calls into question not only the security in Ukraine, but also the territorial integrity of the country. Given that the case is considered a few months before the Champions League finals, which are to be held in the capital in May, there are risks of large image losses not only for Ukrainian football, but for all of Ukraine. After all, for the first time in the 90-year history of the legendary club Dynamo management, correcting its mistakes, decided on a suit against the national association in international instances ".

"FFU, as, sure, and the fans, players and coaches of Dynamo and other clubs, is interested in the speedy consideration of the case. Therefore, it was the FFU that contributed to the CAS meeting scheduled for February 12. In addition, the representatives of the Federation proposed to hold a meeting in the format of a written review of documents already submitted to the court. In this case, with a high degree of probability, we can say that the decision will be taken on the day of the meeting. But it is representatives of Dynamo trying to delay this process, insisting on changing the procedure for consideration.

And in that case, we can not receive the CAS decision until March 3, when the last round of the first stage of the ULP is planned ".

"The Football Federation of Ukraine requires representatives of Dynamo management, journalists and other persons not to disseminate false information and not to use distorted facts and formulations," the statement says..

Recall that earlier Dynamo announced the Football Federation of Ukraine in delaying the timing of this case.

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