Goretskaya signed a contract with Bavaria

19 January 2018, 14:02 | Football
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Midfielder Schalke Leon Gorecka in the summer will join Bayern.

Schalke officially confirmed that midfielder Leon Gorecka will move to Bavaria in the summer.

"At the beginning of the week, Leon officially informed us that he was going to continue his career in Bavaria," said sports director Schalke Christian Heidel. - Yesterday it became known that Gorki successfully passed a medical examination and from July 1, 2018 will become a player of Bavaria.

We did everything we could to keep him in the team, but we have to put up with the situation. Goetzke replacement now Schalke does not intend to ".

According to the official website of Bavaria, the 22-year-old football player of the German national team signed a contract with the club from Munich until June 30, 2022.

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