Wenger: Van Persie's loss was more painful than Sanchez's departure

19 January 2018, 11:49 | Football
Алексис Санчес, getty images
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It is expected that in the near future Sanchez will move to Manchester United. In August 2012, along the same route, another best forward of the "Gunners" - Robin van Persie, for whom MJ gave 24 million pounds.

Comparing deals, Wenger insists that Robin's departure was more painful.

"We took Van Persia when he played in the reserve team of Feyenoord. We went a long way with him, and then he left.

This is the most painful, "Wenger said..

"Our fans knew that Alexis would not renew the contract. They put up with it. But this will not be a one-way deal. The other side, too, will go player. We can get another player. I think they will replace each other, "Arsen hinted at the possible transfer of Henrik Mkhitaryan in the opposite direction.

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Based on materials: skysports.com

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