Benzema is recovering faster than expected

10 January 2018, 08:19 | Football
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Real Madrid striker Karim Benzema is close to returning to the football field.

In preparation for the match of the Cup of Spain against Numancia (3: 0), which took place on January 4, the striker of the "Royal Club" Karim Benzema received damage.

It was expected that the striker will spend at least 3 weeks in the infirmary, but the restoration of the Frenchman is much faster than expected by doctors.

As reported by Marca, Karim has already started to work with the ball, and may be able to help his team in the next fight. Examples against Villarreal, which will be held on January 13.

Earlier it was reported that Real Madrid intends to sell Benzema next summer, while acquiring midfielder Chelsea Eden Azar.

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