The author of the double in the gates of Arsenal: My wife promised to buy a dog, if I make a hat-trick

08 January 2018, 10:15 | Football
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The defender of Nottingham Forest, Erik Leigh, spoke about the unusual motivation that drives him in 2018.

In the third round of the FA Cup, Nottingham defeated Arsenal 4: 2. Double in the meeting noted defender Forest Erik Leah, and his second goal appeared especially beautiful.

Lehigh, who never scored more than one goal for the match, admitted that he was motivated.

"My wife promised to buy a dog if I make a hat-trick this year. So I wanted to get a penalty, but David Vaughan politely explained to me ... I will not say exactly what he told me ...

Well, in general, he said to leave, "- admitted Lehigh BT Sport.

In the evening of January 7, he wrote on Twitter: "Just finished making a press and got a record of a full game on a flash drive. Thank you! I heard how everyone chanted "USA"! !! I will always remember that! Catherine, now I need my dog ??".

It is worth noting that the account of his wife Likhaya on Twitter is now simply swamped with retweets about the acquisition of a dog - it seems that the defender of Nottingham will soon receive his pet.

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