Barcelona spent three years at 366 million euros more than Real

08 January 2018, 07:02 | Football
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Given the signing of Filipe Coutinho from Liverpool, Barcelona's spending on acquisitions amounted to 561.25 million euros.

Signing Coutinho, the Catalans spent on transfers this season 392.5 million euros. Before Coutinho (160 million), Barcelona acquired Dembele (145 million. euro), Paulinho (40 million), Semedu (30.

5 million), Deulofeu (12 million), Marlon (5 million).

If you consider the last three seasons, then Barcelona spent 561.25 million on transfers. Note that this is 366.35 million more than Madrid Real Madrid in the same period of time.

In addition, Barcelona earned sales of 298.1 million euros, while Real Madrid - 195.15 million.

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