In the case of the departure of Coutinho, Liverpool will sign the Lemar or Marais

05 January 2018, 15:24 | Football
Тома Лемар
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Recently, the media has a lot of information that Barcelona is close to signing Coutinho already in the current transfer window.

As reported by The Independent, Liverpool has already decided on possible candidates for reinforcement in case Philippe leaves Anfield.

According to the publication, the primary goal of the "reds" is the Monaco midfielder Toma Lemar, for which the Merseyside will be ready to pay about 100 million pounds from the proceeds of 140 million for Coutinho.

Nevertheless, in Monaco has repeatedly stated that they do not plan to sell players in the winter, and therefore, in case of failure, Liverpool will switch to midfielder Lester Riyad Marez, whose transfer is estimated at about 50 million pounds.

Also, the "reds" intend to purchase a goalkeeper, since Simon Minole's game does not satisfy them. The likely candidates are Allison from Roma and Jack Batland from Stoke City.

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