Mourinho betrayed Manchester United, just lazy

05 January 2018, 12:31 | Football
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The head coach of Manchester United Jose Mourinho explained why he still lives in a hotel.

Jose Mourinho topped Manchester United before the start of last season, but still did not find a home in Manchester, settling in the hotel. Some media think this is proof that Jose is uncomfortable in Manchester and he will soon change the club.

"I am very lazy. I just like living in a hotel. I do not want anyone to worry that I live in a room of two square meters, "- said the Special.

"I live in an apartment in a hotel where I have all the amenities, support - everything I want. Just like if I lived in the house.

So if someone worries about how I feel comfort, support and was happy - then everything is true. If they want me to live in a house, a place where I do not like, alone from my assistants ... In this case, I would be a sad guy, and sad people do not work well ".

Manchester United under the leadership of Jose Mourinho is in second place in the Premier League, behind Manchester City 15 points.

Today, January 5, "Red Devils" will play against Derby County in the FA Cup. The beginning is at 22:00 Kyiv time.

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