The former England coach left the headquarters of Cruyff Jr. in Maccabi

29 December 2017, 13:00 | Football
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Steve McClaren left the post of coach-consultant Maccabi from Tel Aviv and went to Britain.

The 56-year-old mentor, who used to work with the England national team, joined McCabee's coaching staff in the summer.

His role was to advise and provide all possible support to the head coach of the team Jordi Cruyff.

After just 15 rounds of the Israeli championship, McLaren made a decision to leave his post and returned to his homeland, arguing for all personal reasons - the official website of Maccabi.

"We are very upset that Steve decided to leave our team, pursuing other goals. Nevertheless, from the very beginning we knew that this could happen, "said Ben Mansford, the general director of the team from Tel Aviv.

At the moment, Maccabi is the 4th in the standings of the national championship.

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