Lazio went to the semi-finals of the Italian Cup thanks to a victory over Fiorentina

27 December 2017, 01:36 | Football
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Lazio became the first semi-finalist of the Italian Cup 2017/18, beating Fiorentina 1: 0 in 1/4 finals.

Goal Senad Lulich brought Lazio victory over Fiorentina and a pass to the semi-finals of the Italian Cup.

Bosnian midfielder scored already in the sixth minute of the match, sending the ball into the far corner of the goal with a right foot kick from the left flank.

In the semi-final team Simone Inzaghi will meet with the winner of the pair Milan - Inter.

Lazio - Fiorentina 1: 0 Goal: Lulich, 6 Lazio: Strakosha - Bastos, De Vray, Radu - Basta, Parolo, Lukas Leyva, Milinkovich-Savic (Alberto, 87), Lulich - Anderson (Lukaku, 59), Caicedo (Immobile , 26) Fiorentina: Dragowski - Gaspar (Diaz, 73), Milenkovic, Astori, Hugo - Benassi (Eserik, 46), Sanchez, Veretu - Chiesa, Babacar, Saponara (Simeone, 46) Warnings: Strakosha - Gaspar, Veretu.

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