Heinkes: The Coman can become the main leader in Bavaria

20 December 2017, 09:10 | Football
Кингсли Коман, Getty Images
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With the return of 72-year-old specialist for the post of head coach of Bavaria, Coman began to receive much more playing time than with Carlo Ancelotti, often appearing in the main team.

According to Jupp Heinkes, he sees a great player in the French player.

"Coman is the future of Bavaria for the coming years," Heynckes said..

"Perhaps soon he will become the main leader of Bavaria".

"Kingsley has high-speed qualities, excellent dribbling and good pass. In addition, he has an excellent vision of the field and speaks good German ".

"I think he has a huge potential," concluded Jupp.

In the current season on the account of Koman 2 goals and 4 assists in 15 matches.

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Based on materials: bild.de

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