Levante and Leganes tied

20 December 2017, 06:08 | Football
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Your attention is the result of the match of the 17th round of the Spanish League of Leagues Levant - Leganes.

Levante - Leganes 0: 0 Levante: Olasabal, Cabaco, Luna, Pedro Lopez (Ivi Lopez, 74), Postigo, Lukic (Bardi, 57), Lerma, Morales, Campana (Nano, 76), Jason, Unal Leganes Cuellar, dos Santos, Rico, Saldua, Munoz, Gumbau, Perez, Eraso, El Jar (Raul Garcia, 82), Amrabat, Bovia (Guerrero, 86) Warnings: Dos Santos, Lerma, Campana, Gumbau, Amrabat, Saldua, Nano, , Morales, Cabaco.

Removal: Amrabat, 68, Campania, 90.

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