Klopp: This season no one is fighting for the title in the Premier League

16 December 2017, 15:11 | Football
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Liverpool head coach Jurgen Klopp believes that Manchester City will be the winner of the Premier League following the results of this season.

At the moment, "citizens" with an 11-point lead over the MJ are in the Premier League standings, having won 16 of 17 matches played.

According to the head coach of Liverpool Jurgen Klopp, his team, like the rest, no longer has a chance at the title, therefore will fight for the second or third place.

"This season no one is fighting for the title. I do not think Manchester United is still in the race, "said Klopp.

"We will try to get as close to the City as possible. If they do not have a recession, then they are likely to become champions. Does this mean that everyone else should stop? ".

"Being the best among the rest is a fantastic goal. Therefore, we will try to take the highest possible position in the standings. For us this is the second or third place, "the German mentor believes..

After 17 rounds, Liverpool takes 5th place in the Premier League standings, 18 points behind Man City, and 7 points from Manchester United.

Earlier, the mentor "citizens" Josep Guardiola told that it requires his team even better game.

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