Lukaku - the best scorer in the history of the national team of Belgium

15 November 2017, 01:01 | Football
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Manchester United striker Romelu Lukaku has single-handedly led the list of top scorers in the Belgian national team.

Goal Romelu Lukaku brought the Belgian national team victory in a friendly against Japan (1: 0).

Forward Manchester United scored a difference in the 72nd minute of the game, and this goal was for him 31st in the T-shirt of the Belgian national team.

Thus, Lukaku at the age of 24 years became the best scorer in the history of the national team of Belgium, ahead of Bernard Vorhof (30 goals in 61 games) and Paul Van Himst (30 goals in 81 matches).

To set a new record, Lukaku needed 64 matches.

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