Insigne: I respect every decision of Ventura

15 November 2017, 00:15 | Football
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Winger of the Italian team Lorenzo Insigne refused to accuse the head coach Gianpiero Ventura in the absence of the "scuadra of the adzurra" at the 2018 World Cup.

The Italian national team lost to Sweden with a score of 0-1 in the sum of two play-offs, while Napoli's winger Lorenzo Inzinier played in these confrontations for only 15 minutes, appearing in the substitution in the first match for the position of the central midfielder.

"The fact that we will not play at the World Cup is more disappointing.

We apologize to the whole of Italy and hope to improve the next time, "said Insigne.

"We need to make decisions of the coach. I have no regrets, the coach took the best, in his opinion, decisions for the national team, and I respect them ".

In the current season, Insigne spent for Napoli 14 games in all tournaments, in which he scored five goals and gave four assists.

In the second leg, an episode took place, when midfielder Daniele De Rossi urged the coaching staff to put on the field Insigne.

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