Trauma Mendy was more serious than expected

27 September 2017, 11:04 | Football
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Defender Manchester City Benjamin Mendy flew for an indefinite period.

In the middle of the first half of the last match, Man City in the Premier League against Crystal Palace Benjamin Mendy was hit in the knee, after which he could not continue the game.

Subsequently it became known that the trauma of the newcomer is not serious, and he can take part in the Champions League match against Shakhtar.

However, Mendi did not qualify for the game against the Ukrainian team. After the match, the state of his ward was told by head coach Josep Guardiola.

"Benjamin goes to Barcelona for a consultation: it seems that he will stay in the hospital for longer than we thought," said Guardiola after the match with the Miner.

"On Thursday we will know more. It's a pity that this happened: he is a unique player with a positive attitude and enthusiasm. In January, we will be thinking about whether we need replenishment, "added Guardiola.

Mendy moved to Man City from Monaco last summer, and the transfer was about 57 million euros.

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