With "Shakhtar" you need to give all the best, - Fernandinho

27 September 2017, 07:22 | Football
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This is the official website of the "urban".

Football player spent in the "miners" for more than eight years and played 281 match. To him as no one else knows all the strengths and weaknesses of Ukrainians.

Fernandinho notes that the "orange-black" T-shirts always play aggressive, attacking football, and therefore the technique of one-touch goalscoring from Shakhtar has been worked out for "Ura".

The player also believes that Shakhtar's winning spirit has repeatedly given the team the right courage to win even over a stronger opponent.

"Donetsk" does not occupy the speed of moving around the field. This is provided by the Brazilian cadres of Fonseca, whom the coaching staff always selects very successfully.

As reported in "URA-Inform", the legendary English striker Wayne Rooney most likely can return to Manchester United as the club's ambassador.

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