Cassano does not need any Italian club

16 September 2017, 13:04 | Football
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Striker Antonio Cassano admitted that he did not receive offers from clubs from Serie A.

The last year stood out for a 35-year-old striker rich in events. In January, Antonio agreed by mutual agreement to break off the contract with Sampdoria, and then in the summer off-season within two weeks managed to sign and cancel the agreement with Verona.

At the moment, Cassano is left without a club, and, according to the player himself, none of the Serie A teams wants to see him in their lineup.

"At the moment I have not received any offers from the club from Italy. I do not mind seeing teams in France and Belgium, but I want to stay here ".

"Who knows, maybe I've become too burdensome for clubs.

"I'm still training on the schedule that was made for me by former fitness coach Sampdoria Agostino Tibaudi. If nothing happens in the next few weeks, I will still continue to support the game form in the coming months ".

"Perhaps in January someone will want to see me on their team," Antonio confessed in an interview with Il Secolo XIX.

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