Alexandria - Steel. The day before

16 September 2017, 12:54 | Football
ФОТО: ФК Сталь
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Football. ua represents the announcement of the fight of the 9th round of the ULP between Alexandria and Steel.

14:00, Alexandria, KSK Nick. Arbitrator - Sergey Berezka. Live broadcast on Football 2.

In the opening match of the tour, Alexandria and Steel.

The tournament situation for both rivals is close to a catastrophic. And if the failures of the Kamchans, considering the youthfulness of their composition, were initially predictable, then Alexandria's frankly failed start, at least, was unpleasantly surprised. The team of Vladimir Sharan on a pair with Chernomorets closes the standings, and while the light at the end of the tunnel is not visible even in the first approximation. The devastating defeat in the last round from Dynamo only vividly confirmed the whole complexity of the position of the fifth team of last season.

Unlike the Alexandrians, Steel became almost the main discovery of the first two rounds of the championship, in which I managed to lay Zarya and Chernomorets. Then there was an insulting defeat in the last seconds in the game against Shakhtar (1: 2), which, apparently, seriously morally broke the young wards of Yeghishe Melikyan. After this local failure, a series of five consecutive defeats followed (taking into account the hole from the miners - six), which continues to this day.

In the last round, the Kamenchan lost to Mariupol at minimum, but they showed a fairly good level of play. By the way, the only ball "steelworkers" missed with an absolutely unnecessary penalty: during the execution by the Azov penalty kick Bogdan Mikhailichenko for some reason barred the way the ball with his elbow ... The main intrigue of this confrontation will be whether the Sharan team will get out of the danger zone, and Steel - interrupt his nasty series of six defeats.

Both teams have nowhere to retreat - behind the abyss. That's why on Nick certainly will be a real battle, which is so missing our football at this difficult time for him.

Approximate compositions:.

Alexandria: Pankiv - Pashayev, Bondarenko, Banada, Batsula - Kalenchuk, Zaporozhan, Grytsuk, Tsurikov, Polarus - Sitalo Steel: Penkov - Tymchik, Danielyan, Grachev, Mikhailichenko - G. Malakyan, Zaderaka - Mysik, E. Malakyan, Kuzyk - Chirpetun forecast 1: 0.

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