Mourinho does not believe that Lukaku will beat Rooney's record

16 September 2017, 12:25 | Football
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The head coach of Manchester United Jose Mourinho believes that in our days the Premier League has become more difficult for forwards.

Legendary for the "red devils" forward Wayne Rooney left the club this summer, leaving behind a 253 goal in the T-shirt United.

To replace him for 75 million pounds came Romel Lukaku, who started the season with great marks, scoring 4 goals in 4 fights.

Despite the successful start of the Belgian, Manchester United coach Jose Mourinho doubts that he will be able to break the record of Wayne Rooney. Asked whether Lukaku could surpass the Englishman, the coach replied:.

"I think Wayne spent 10 of his career in another Premier League. Then it was much easier to score goals ".

"Not only because of the greater difference between outsiders and top teams, but also because of the game and tactical trends of the time. The current NS is much more focused on protecting their own goal, forwards it became much more difficult for forwards, "Mourinho said..

Previously Lukaku repeated the scoring achievements of Zlatan Ibrahimovic and Robin van Persie.

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