Liverpool ready to sell Origami in Tottenham

26 August 2017, 13:40 | Football
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Forward "red" Origoki Diver can leave the team this summer.

The 22-year-old has a serious lack of practice at the start of the 2017-2018 season.

The Belgian spent only 10 minutes on the field in the Premier League, going on to replace Watford (3: 3) and remaining on the bench in a duel against Crystal Palace (1-0).

In addition, Origy missed both the Champions League playoff matches against Hoffenheim, which Liverpool won with a score of 2: 1 and 4: 2.

As reported by The Telegraph, the head coach of the "red" Jurgen Klopp does not count on the striker and is ready to let Divok go to another club. The most likely contender for Origy, according to the publication, is Tottenham, who is ready to give the Belgian the necessary playing time.

In his time, Divok moved to Liverpool from Lille for 10 million pounds.

During his performances at Anfield, Origy scored 12 goals in 51 Premier League matches.

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