Villa: I never left the idea that I can return to the national team

26 August 2017, 09:30 | Football
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On the eve of the head coach of the Spanish national team Khulen Lopetegi called the composition for the upcoming matches of the "Furies Rochi" with Italy and Liechtenstein.

Quite unexpectedly in the application hit 35-year-old striker & nbsp; New York City David Villa.

"Pride overflows me. I have no words. I continue to live with my dream. Every time when the national team was announced, I thought that there might be my name. This time my dream came true, "said Villa.

"Lopetegi called me last night and said that I can help the national team. I was very surprised when they called me, but I never stopped thinking that I can return to the team, "- added the forward.

The last time Villa played for Spain at the 2014 World Cup.

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