Ajax will let Sanchez go to Tottenham for only 42 million euros

16 August 2017, 09:41 | Football
Давинсон Санчес против Джесси Лингарда, Getty Images
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Spurs for a long time are negotiating the Colombian bek, but so far the deal has not been crowned with success.

According to Sky Sport Italia, Tottenham expressed willingness to pay for Sanchez 33 million euros. Another 3 million Londoners agree to pay in the form of bonuses, but even such a sum seems to Ajax insufficient.

According to the source, the Dutch club wants to help out for the player 42 million euros, because it is not going to let it go cheaper.

Last season Sanchez had 32 matches in Eredivizi, scoring 6 goals and giving 2 assists.

A year ago, a 21-year-old Colombian moved to Ajax for 5 million euros.

Previously reported interest in the player from the side of Barcelona.

Based on materials: sport.sky.it

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