Schalke stripped Heads of the captain's armband

12 August 2017, 17:57 | Football
Бенедикт Хеведес, Getty Images
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New coach Schalke Domenico Tedesco has already managed to take a somewhat controversial decision.

According to his instructions, the captain's armband was deprived of the 29-year-old Benedikt Hevedes, who wore it since 2011.

This decision Tedesco explained as follows.

"We wanted the team to stop hiding behind the back of Howedes, and the responsibility was borne by several players at once".

"Of course, Benedikt was disappointed when he found out about it, but behaved like a professional," - said the coach.

New captain was appointed keeper Ralf Fahrmann, and the role of vice-captain went to midfielder Leon Gorecki.

Hevedes is a graduate of the Schalke Academy and has been in the club system since 2001.

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