Pochetino replied to Rose about the "players who need to google"

12 August 2017, 16:29 | Football
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Left-back Spurs defender Denny Rose gave an interview the day before to The Sun, in which, among other things, he said that to strengthen the team, it is necessary to buy strong players, and not those about which information should be searched using the search engine Goggle.

"When our club signed Eric Dyer, nobody knew him, and now he regularly calls in the England team. The very same story with Dela Alli. When we bought it, he played in the third English division. Ngolo Kante - the same story.

Some current players of different teams of the world a year or two ago no one knew yet.

Similarly, it happened with Mauricio Pechetto. When I first came to England, people also wanted to know who this Pochettino was. If you remember, five years ago everyone said: who is it? I'm sure they used Google or Yahoo to find out who it is ", - quotes the words of Pochettino ESPN.

Note that Danny Rose was fined a two-week salary, but has already managed to apologize.

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