Jose Mourinho: Last season we were fixated on the goals scored by our forward

12 August 2017, 16:26 | Football
Жозе Моуриньо, getty images
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In the previous campaign, the best sniper Manchester United in the Premier League was Zlatan Ibrahimovic with 17 goals. No one else has managed to reach a two-digit mark on goals - the second in the list of scorers Juan Mata scored only 6 times.

"In my other clubs more players scored goals - midfielders, winger, central defenders were different after the standards. It's always been like this. Yes, I had attackers who scored the most, but after them went winger with 15 balls for the season, midfielder with 10 and defenders with 5, "said Mourinho.

"Last season did not happen. We were fixated on the goals scored by our forward, and if he did not succeed, the team was difficult to defeat the ".

The Portuguese was asked if Manchester United could reach the level of effectiveness of Real Madrid and Chelsea, which they demonstrated at Mourinho.

"Real is beyond competition, because it plays in the league, where the top clubs are much better than other teams. There they easily win 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 5: 1 ... So 126 goals, which Real Madrid scored at me - out of competition ".

"Red Devils" will start the season with a duel against West Ham August 13.

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