Bonucci repeated the achievement of Giuseppe Meazza

12 August 2017, 13:22 | Football
Леонардо Бонуччи, Getty Images
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The former back of Juventus this summer made a shocking for the entire Serie A transfer to Milan for 42 million euros.

As a reward for his transition, Bonucci immediately received a captain's armband in the "Rosso Neri" camp, which happened only three times in the history of the club for 118 years.

In addition to Leonardo, in his first season in Milan, the captain's armband was received by Allison, who was in favor of the club at the dawn of the 20th century, and also the legendary Giuseppe Meazza, who became captain of the "rosso-neri" 76 years ago.

Meazza is a cult figure not only for Milan, but also for Inter. One of the names of the San Siro stadium is Giuseppe Meazza. Often referred to as the arena is precisely the fans, "Nerazzurri".

Earlier it was reported that Monaco refused to sell Milan striker Falcao for 30 million euros.

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