Xavi: Seri has the DNA of Barcelona

12 August 2017, 13:01 | Football
Жан-Мишель Сери, Getty Images
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Seri is one of the candidates for the transition to the camp of "blue-garnet" in the current offseason. According to Xavi, such a transfer would be very useful for both Barcelona and the player himself.

"When they told me that a good player is given the nickname" African Xavi, "I began to closely monitor his game. I saw a lot of Seri matches and video with participation, and I can say: it's amazing that such a talented football player plays in the center of the field ".

"The game in a short and long pass, a tactical mind, a blow from afar, an individual style, the ability to organize a game - all this is inherent in Jean-Michel".

"It would be just fine if he moved to Barca. Seri can play at any position in the center - he's a fantastic footballer ".

"In addition, he has what is called DNA Barca. Without a doubt ", - summed up Xavi.

In the season that ended Seri scored 7 goals and gave 10 assists in 34 league 1 games.

Earlier it was reported that Roma offered for the Ivorian 35 million euros.

Based on materials: eurosport.com

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