GH: I knew that I would have a chance to score

12 August 2017, 12:28 | Football
Оливье Жиру, Getty Images
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In the first round of the Premier League Arsenal held a difficult, but spectacular match against Leicester. Thanks to the goal Olivier Giroux at the 85th minute, the "Gunners" managed to snatch the victory with the score 4: 3.

According to the Frenchman, he until the last believed in himself and the victory of his team.

"Naturally, I knew that I would have a chance to score, so I kept putting pressure on the opponent's defense," Giroux said in an interview with Sky Sports.

"We kept faith and continued to play our football, trying to break the opponent. We bravely fought to the very end, and, thank God, won the victory ".

Olivier started the match on the bench, appearing on the field in the 67th minute.

Earlier the outcome of the Arsenal-Leicester fight was commented on by forward "fox" Jamie Vardi.

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