PSG will release Matiuidi to Juventus after Fabigno's purchase

12 August 2017, 12:20 | Football
Блез Матюиди, Getty Images
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This summer, Juventus is actively looking for a player in the central zone, considering three major candidates - Emre Jan from Liverpool, Steven Nzonzi from Sevilla and Blaise Matiudi from PSG.

Apparently, turintsy a step closer to the third option, since the Parisians have already found a replacement for a 30-year-old Frenchman.

As reported by Sky Sport Italia, the vice-champion of League 1 is close to signing the defender of Monaco Fabigno, who also can play in the main zone. According to the publication, after this transfer, Parisians will be ready to release Matiuidi to Juventus.

For the midfielder "old lady" will have to lay out about 25 million euros. Salary Blaise will be approximately 4 million euros per year.

Earlier it was reported that the "bianco-neri" was rented to Torino midfielder Thomas Rincon.

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