Gezzal is close to the transition to Monaco

05 August 2017, 09:52 | Football
Рашид Геззаль против Патриса Эвра, Getty Images
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Rashid has already said that he decided to leave Lyon on a free-agent this summer.

In the services of the player were interested in a number of European clubs, including Milan and Everton.

It seems that Gezzal still does not move to another championship, since the midfielder is close to the transition to Monaco. It is expected that in the coming days the midfielder will conclude with the current winners of League 1 a five-year contract.

Last season Rashid recorded 2 goals and 4 assists in 28 matches.

Earlier it became known that Monegasque striker Kilian Mbappa will move to Real Madrid in case of withdrawal from the Madrid club Gareth Bale.

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