Mbokani told why his transfer to Olympiakos broke

24 June 2017, 16:12 | Football
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Dynamo Kiev striker commented on the failed medical check-up in the gay club.

It was previously reported that Dynamo Kyiv striker Diemerci Mbokani did not pass the medical examination in Olympiakos, because of what his transfer broke.

"Olympiakos simply did not agree with Dynamo. My injury would not stop me from playing. Now I will work with my personal trainer to get the form ", - quotes Mbokani Dhnet. Be.

"For two years my knees stood the load in the submarine.

Do you think that in Norwich and Halle the physical examination is somehow different? In England, physically much more difficult than in Greece. My reputation is now tarnished, although I can still play at the highest level ".

"The Greek media made people believe that I'm lost for football. But I would have succeeded. I made serious financial concessions. Now I am very disappointed ".

Recall, in the past season, the forward played for Hull City. Mbokani spent only 12 games and never hit the gate of opponents.

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