Sirigu broke his contract with PSG to join Torino

24 June 2017, 15:26 | Football
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Former goalkeeper of vice-champion of France Salvatore Sirigu will move to Torino as a free agent.

The 30-year-old goalkeeper moved to Paris in 2011 from Palermo for 3. 9 million euros, and since then 4 times won with the club in the national championship.

Salvatore spent the last season behind Kevin Trapp, who won the Italian competition for a place in the starting lineup.

Wishing to receive more playing time, Sirigu decided to return to his native Serie A, where he wants to see in his composition Torino.

In the camp of pomegranate Salvatore will pass on a free agent, as PSG went to the player to meet and prematurely broke the contract with the goalkeeper by mutual consent.

Now Sirig left only to agree on the personal terms of the contract with Torino, after which he will join the Turin club.

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