Father Donnarymma: We do not interfere in the decisions of our son

24 June 2017, 13:31 | Football
photo football.ua
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Alfonso Donnarumma commented on the situation around his son, the goalkeeper Milan Gianluigi Donnarumma.

The young goalkeeper of Milan has faced anger of the fans of the team after he refused to renew the contract with Rossori.

According to the father of the football player, he hopes that soon this unpleasant situation will stop.

The main thing - that his son was happy.

"We hope that all the hype in the media that surrounds Gianluigi recently will soon be calmed down," Alfonso.

"As parents, we never interfere in the decisions of our son. We just wish the best for him and we want him to be happy ".

In the week Donnarumma Sr. met with Milan's head coach Vincenzo Montella, who hoped to influence Gianluigi in this way and bring the goalkeeper's signature to a new contract with Rossoni Neri.

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