Dynamo refused to exchange Vida for two players Besiktas with extra charge

18 June 2017, 13:43 | Football
photo football.ua
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Dynamo did not accept the offer of Besiktas with the exchange of Domagoya Views for two players and an extra charge.

Dynamo received an offer from Besiktas for the transfer of Domagoya Species. The Turkish club offered in exchange for the Croatian Denis Boyko, Araz Ozbiliza and 1 million euros.

Such a proposal of the people of Kiev did not suit and they did not even consider it, the Turkish media reported. In Dynamo expect to gain for the Croatian defender 9 million euros.

Moreover, it is reported that Dynamo will undertake to keep Vida and offer him a new contract, as the current agreement expires six months later.

Earlier it was reported that Vida confirmed the agreement with Besiktas.

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