Santos: We need to be cautious about gossip about Ronaldo

17 June 2017, 19:50 | Football
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The head coach of Portugal Fernando Santos commented on the rumors about the departure of Cristiano Ronaldo from Real Madrid.

Fernando Santos urged not to believe the speculations of the media about the future of Cristiano Ronaldo and his problems with non-payment of taxes.

"News about Ronaldo on the national team does not affect in any way. For us nothing will change. Ronaldo is 100% concentrated on the tournament. He is an example for all of us - both for the game and for the support that he provides to other players, "the Portuguese quotes the Russian media.

"I know Cristiano for many years. I was his last coach in Portugal when he was 18 when he left for England. And I can guarantee that this is a man with a strong character and true honesty. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the primary sources of information, to these gossip as carefully as possible, "added the coach of the national team.

It is also worth noting that according to the players of Real Madrid Ronaldo knocks out a salary increase.

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