Liverpool and MJ agree to lay out 35 million pounds for Nevesha

17 June 2017, 19:07 | Football
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Porto midfielder Ruben Neves can continue his career on Foggy Albion.

The 20-year-old Portuguese midfielder is one of the most promising European players in his position. British journalists repeatedly compared him to the legendary midfielder Manchester United Paul Scholes, with whom Neves similar not only the position, but also the style of the game.

At the moment, Ruben is ready to take the next step in his career, which can continue in the English Premier League. In Foggy Albion, they want to see Liverpool and Manchester United.

For the promising Portuguese, both clubs are ready to pay the required Porto 35 million euros, while in personal negotiations with the player each have their own trump cards.

Liverpool is experiencing problems in the center of midfield and needs such a performer as Neves, because he is ready to offer him a stable gaming practice. Manchester United, as is known, is headed by Jose Mourinho, with whom Ruben will be very comfortable working.

In the season that ended Nevesha account 1 goal in 13 matches of the Portuguese national championship.

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