Pavelko: Trainers demand a result from the child, because of this the destinies of children break down

17 June 2017, 19:07 | Football
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FFU President Andrei Pavelko spoke about solving the problem of playgrounds and attracting children to football.

Pavelko said that the launch of the field production plant will give impetus to the development of football infrastructure, which should contribute to the development of youth football.

"Everything that was not done in Ukrainian football before, it is necessary to make a system. It is necessary that this is not just a point solution, "- said Pavelko on the air of the channel Football 1.

"Today everyone understands that we do not have enough football grounds. We took the first step - we built a factory. In September we will see the output of this plant in full. The launch and opening took place, probably, in the shortest possible time in the history of production ".

"It is clear to all: that children come to football, we need sites. But now often the emphasis is on the result. Literally from the first steps of the child in any children's school, they demand victory from him, coaches go crazy and demand a result. Because of this, the destinies of children are broken, which could open their potential with a different approach, "states the president of FFU.

Recall that Pavelko retained the post of president of FFU.

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