Palkin: Belief in returning to Donetsk helps us support the club and achieve results

17 June 2017, 18:48 | Football
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Shakhtar CEO Sergey Palkin was present at the awarding of the club's employees.

Donetsk Shakhtar awarded the club employees with gold medals. At a meeting with workers from Kiev, Kharkov and Donetsk, attended by head coach Paulo Fonseca and captain Dario Srna, as well as Sergei Palkin.

"I want to greet all those present, especially our colleagues from Donetsk," Palkin began.. - Thank you for finding the strength to get to Kiev. If someone told me that we will meet here for the first time in the last three years, I would never have believed ".

"Unfortunately, life disposed differently, scattered us around the country: some are in Donetsk, others are in Kharkov, others are in Kiev. I want to say that the successes we are striving for are unique. In the history of Ukraine, and especially in European football history, this moment will be remembered that we are now experiencing with you.

Now we are meeting on the occasion of the tenth championship. But I would like to congratulate you on all the championships, because many worked at the club five, ten, fifteen years. You lived these victories time after time. In football, there are no trifles. Your contribution, it is very important. If we do not believe that we will return to Donetsk, then no one needs it. Only the belief that we will return helps us to support the club and achieve results, "Palkin quotes Shakhtar's official website.

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