Newcastle can intercept Caballero from Chelsea

17 June 2017, 18:48 | Football
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Ex-goalkeeper Manchester City Willie Caballero chooses between Chelsea and Newcastle.

Willy Caballero was close to the transition to Chelsea, but the case intervened Newcastle, who also wants to get the Argentine goalkeeper.

If the Blue counted on Caballero as a substitute goalkeeper, substitute Thibaut Courtois, then in Newcastle the goalkeeper is ready to offer a place at the base.

"We have several proposals from England, he wants to stay here," said Agent Caballero Adrian Fahia.

"In Newcastle it's cold, but beautiful, and in Brighton there are good beaches and it's easier to get to London," the agent told of the preferred options.

"There was no offer from Boka. To answer something, we must get an offer, then we'll think about moving to Buenos Aires, "the agent added..

The decision on his future career Caballero will take after leaving the vacation.

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