Gabigol: I'm bored sitting on a bench, but I'm staying in Inter

17 June 2017, 17:35 | Football
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Inter forward Gabriel Barbosa, said that he will not leave the club in the current off-season.

Brazilian striker moved to the Milan club last summer from Santos for 29.5 million euros.

The first season in the Nerazzurri turned out to be unsuccessful for him - the player could not gain a foothold in the basis of the team, after which rumors began about his possible lease to Las Palmas. Now Gabigol himself denied this information.

"At the moment I'm staying," said Gabigol.

"I'm very happy in Inter, although it's true that sitting on a bench bores me. I want to play, because soon I will have to make a decision. But now I can say that I remain ".

"My first season in Inter was difficult, but I still hope that I can prove myself here. I'm an Inter player and I'm glad to be this team. I'm still learning and becoming more mature. I feel like a new person, "- summed up Barbosa.

In the completed season on the account of the player only 9 matches in Serie A and one goal scored.

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