Talent PSV dreams of performances for Manchester United

17 June 2017, 17:19 | Football
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PSV striker Juergen Lokadija admitted that he would like to play in the future for Manchester United.

Jurgen Lokadia did not hide his career goals, namely: the transition to Manchester United.

"Manchester United - this is my dream, but not immediately. I need to make an intermediate step, "- said Lokadia on the air NOS.

"I like the way that Jorginho Veynaldum did. From Newcastle, he moved to Liverpool, "- inspired by the player an example of the former teammate.

It is worth noting that Lokadia already has a lot of experience playing for PSV, despite his age. In his 23 years behind the player for five seasons, but while the career of a talented player is marred by injuries.

Last season, Locadia played just 14 games in the championship, scored 3 goals and gave 3 assists.

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